Wednesday, 29 June 2016

British Intelligence Said "Libya is no longer a priority for ISIL"

(June 29, 2016) - According reliable Moroccan security sources, that mentioned a British Intelligence report, "Libya is no longer a priority for ISIL" after its militias decided to reach the west of the Sahara, through Algeria, considering Morocco as a top target in its next war. 

Details of the report have been revealed from daily newspaper Assabah indicated that the presence of ISIL fighters in Libya is only a temporarily tactic to implement a strategy aimed at reaching the Sahel and Sahara region, moving to the south areas of Algeria, expanding throughout Morocco and in the far south to take advantage from the smuggling and drug trafficking.

According the British Intelligence report ISIL decide to withdraw from the Libyan soil because they had significant difficulty in recruiting Libyan fighters. The majority of its fighters are Moroccans, Tunisians and Algerians, in addition to recruits from sub-Saharan countries between Mauritania and Chad.

The British Intelligence report warned that in its future operations ISIL will increase the use of female recruits from the targeted countries, as women have never before participated in terrorist operations in Morocco, Algeria, or Tunisia.

The British Intelligence report put on evidence that ISIL in Libya is different from ISIL in Syria and Iraq in terms of dealing with women, whose roles are not confined to sexual slavery.

The British Intelligence report comes a few weeks after the Spanish Institute for Security Studies announced that an ISIL propaganda document considers Morocco as the new "jihad" destination for its fighters by placing it at the forefront of the 28 "enemy" countries.
The recent report by the Asesoria de Inteligencia, the institute specializing in security and intelligence affairs, also included a chart that ISIL distributed to its members indicating that the next war plans should prioritize attacks against Morocco and Spain in order to destroy the security barriers that prevent "fighters" from infiltrating into Europe through the Sahara Desert.

ISIL's document described Madrid and Rabat as "enemy countries" that excel in accelerating and expanding the circle of participants in the war against ISIL, as is the case with the United States, Russia, France, Britain and Germany.