Kaliningrad.ru news portal reported that the administration of Kaliningrad, the capital city of Russia's Baltic exclave Kaliningrad Region, has banned officials from using "foreign companies internet products and services".
The order, signed by city deputy head Anna Appolonova, refers to a directive from the Kaliningrad administration of 17 August on the use of domestic products by the mayor's office on the grounds of "ensuring information security of agencies in the social sphere".
The order includes a list of "enemy" software and recommends a list of Russian alternatives to use.
Among those listed are Skype, Facebook Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp, GMail, Dropbox, Yahoo, Hotmail and even Yandex-Post (which is registered in the Netherlands as part of the Yandex NV joint-stock company), among others.
It recommends officials communicate using services such as ICQ and QIP.
The Russian government has been taking increasing measures recently to ensure its cyber security.
In November, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied Russia would introduce a blanket ban on foreign software
Cyber Threat
Kaliningrad Bans Officials Using Foreign Comapnies Internet Products and Services